Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Bakery

Happy Bakery I'd have to say I'd give four forks because there is refreshing foods, and there is greasey foods :). These chinese foods are so tasty that I don't know how your alive with out it. They have cusards, chicken (very good), spring rolls, egg rolls, chowmain, and, chowfun.There are other things, but these are the best. But there is one bad thing, and one another good thing. The bad thing is that the foods aren't the healthiest foods, but the good thing is that it is in San Fransisco so you probebly won't get fat because it's far away so you probebly won't go that often.
The custards (down) is a verry yummy choice. They are a jello-y creamy, yummy tart with bread around it. The chicken is wonderfly yummy, and would be discribed: scrumcias-tasty-yummy. The spring rolls and egg rolls are delishish, tasty and the spring roll is also refrshing (sometimes). The chow mian and fun are supream. I hope you will agree with me if you go some time.

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