Monday, December 10, 2007


This movie was so great! I loved the effects. I think that they are going to make another transformers movie because this one got such positive feed back. Also, yoou can tell by the ending. transformers is rated PG 13. My favorite charector is Bumble Bee. It was really creative how he talks, Bumble Bee uses words from the radio, so his voice is a mixture of different voices. It sounds really cool! This was such a great idea for a movie. It was a mixture of fantasy, scare, and realitic fiction. I would give this movie two thumbs up!


Joe R said...

I thoght this movie was a real bummer. I like Michael Bay but this movie didn't work for me. It kinda had a story but its mainly just battle scenes and guns.

Anonymous said...

I think this movie was extremely racey and offencive.