Friday, December 7, 2007

The Golden Compass The Movie

I've haven't seen it yet of coures because it's not out yet. I hope they don't mess up the story. I can't wait to see it. I'm going to see it Monday after school because my weekend is really busy, so I can't see it. If anyone wants to see it with me please tell me a head of time.

I stared this post to let anyone who has seen it talk about it with the other people that see it. DON'T GIVE IT AWAY!


Anonymous said...

I'm so excited because I am seeing this movie sometime this week! I was looking at the reviews online and it looked great but suprisingly it didn't get a very good rating!

treehugger said...

I would like to know if this movie is a lot like Narnia. It's supposed to be by the same people so if it is a lot like it maybe I can guppy it off my parents. I mean I don't want to go to a movie and I'm supposed to be having fun and then become all sleepless, and green trying to keep Miss. Coulter away and cutting me away from some deamon I don't even have.

Izzy said...

I saw the movie and I'd give it a two thumbs up! I'd say this because it has lot's of action and the thought of having an animal for your soul is really cool. I havn't read the book though.

Anonymous said...

I just saw the golden compass and even though I didn't read the book i really liked it.

Emily said...

I also saw it But after reading the book I didn't think it was that good. I give it a 1 thumb up.