This movie is very funny, it is so funny that some of the people in the audience were laughing out loud. This movie is manly about a girl named Juno, she then gets pregnant after doing "BLAH". Juno is really funny and the girl Juno is really funny she sometimes swears in the movie but it is very good. This movie is good for young adults and adults but if you are my age than it will make sence but not a hole lot of it will not make sence but like i have said a million times it is SO FUNNY!
I would give this movie a 2 thumbs up! This movie is PG 13.
I love this movie! I think that it is the best movie I've seen all year.
Maddy that movie sounds really good. I was going to se it, but I ended up seeing a different but that is besides the point. I really like your writing because you said" It is a better movie for adalts and young adalts because they would understand it more. And that you could not understand it much."
Juno is one of my favorite movies! I would give this movie a 9 because of some of the languedge and inapropriate images. Otherwise, this movie is great! Plus, Juno, (the main charector), did such a good job acting. I really recomend this movie. all though, you need to be a little bit more mature to understand some of the languedge and images. This movie had the whole croud laughing! it was so funny! This mvie had a great story line. It is about this girl, Juno, that gets pregnant and her journey. This movie is so great!
I want to see this movie so badly! Now that I have that many good reveiws I want to sneek in! (just kidding) Tell me more!
Living in a house where a plethora of teenagers come and go everyday, I can tell you that the language in this movie is "real" teenage language. Being such bright people, I'm sure you can surmise that this means that the language falls into the probably-inappropriate-for-11-year-olds range. Also, some of what goes on in the movie may be difficult for you to follow, just because you guys are still pretty young and don't have a lot of the background knowledge that helps the movie make sense.
For those of you who have already seen this movie, I'm really curious about who you saw it with. Parents? Friends? Do you think that who you saw this movie with changed how comfortable you were with it? I saw it with my husband, and we were probably the oldest people in the entire theater, but I really liked seeing it with a young crowd.
Juno is now one of my all-time favorite movies. The topic is very serious, but it is approached in a thoughtful, light-hearted way which made me (and everyone else in the theater) laugh out loud. There are sad moments, too, and Juno has to make some tough choices that affect a lot of other people. She's pretty cool, though, and has a good head on her shoulders. I admired her character, and left the theater with a good feeling.
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